Monroe-Ouachita NAACP reacts to Hibbett Sports shooting

maamoonSport1 month ago16 Views

MONROE, La. (KNOE) – The Monroe-Ouachita NAACP reacted to the shooting at Hibbett Sports in Monroe that occurred on Saturday, Feb. 8.

“It could have happened at any particular business in our city, and it disturbs us quite badly,” said Cliff Thomas, president of the Monroe-Ouachita NAACP chapter.

With the recent events that took place at Hibbett Sports, Thomas said change has to be made in the city.

“We can’t just sit around and sit back and accept this as a norm. This is way past normal and I think it’s time we come together and action takes place,” said Thomas.

Thomas said one way to take action is to start creating programs in local schools and churches for children on conflict-resolution strategies.

“Let that be a part of our conversations in the community to try to guide the kids on how to settle conflict without resorting to violence and shootings,” said Thomas.

Thomas said violent events could not only have a ripple effect on the local economy, but also send away those who want to build a life in Monroe.

“They want to make sure Monroe is safe for their kids and for their families. These people are not going to want to come to Monroe if they don’t have that kind of certainty,” said Thomas.

Mayor Friday Ellis took to social media on Saturday, Feb. 8 and said, “All of this—two people injured, lives forever changed, and fear spread through our community—over a pair of shoes. While, thankfully, there were no life-threatening injuries, the impact of these actions goes far beyond physical wounds.”

Thomas said the community needs to come together to improve the reputation of Monroe.

“We have to save Monroe. We have to save Ouachita Parish because we certainly are the hub of where people want to live and where people want to bring their families,” said Thomas.

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