This Common Kitchen Chore Is Actually a Huge Waste of Time – Latest Food News Update

maamoonFood6 hours ago3 Views

Even if they mean well, not all kitchen habits are good. Washing raw meat spreads bacteria, cooling leftovers on the counter longer than two hours creates a ripe environment for foodborne illness, and storing certain fruits in the fridge instead of at room temperature diminishes their taste and quality. Get ready to cross another “good” kitchen habit off your list: scrubbing your dishes, utensils, and cups before sticking them in the dishwasher. 

The Biggest Waste Of Time in the Kitchen

Do you get caught up washing your dishes before putting them in your machine? According to a kitchen expert, you’re wasting water (and driving up that utility bill) and valuable time. Not only is it redundant, but it can actually prevent your dishwasher from working how it’s supposed to. 

If you’re gearing up your pro-rinsing argument now, believe me when I say I understand. As a slightly obsessive-compulsive person, I rinse and scrub my dishes before putting them in the washer. But that’s actually counterintuitive. 

“Most modern dishwashers have sensors that determine how dirty a dish is in order to adjust the wash cycle accordingly,” says Mackenzie Reed, brand management analyst at Whirlpool Corporation. In other words, those bits of food are telling your dishwasher exactly what to do, and pre-washing your dishes actually confuses those sensors—causing your machine to exert less effort. 

OK, But Why Does My Dishwasher Leave Bits Of Food On Clean Dishes?

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Not all dishwashers are created equal, and if yours is still leaving food residue, that might mean it needs some TLC—specifically, a deep clean. Reed recommends cleaning your dishwasher regularly to help prevent buildup in the machine. 

“Food leftovers are ground up during the washing cycle and disposed of in the drain,” Reed says. So where do you need to look for those remnants? Your dishwasher’s filter. By the way, dishwasher manufacturers recommend cleaning the filter at least once a month to prevent buildup, grime, and odor and Reed advises rinsing it weekly. 

“Using white distilled vinegar can help lean your dishwasher by breaking down and removing soap scum and detergent residue, allowing your machine to wash your dishes properly and remove stubborn bits,” she says. You can also use a rinse aid in the detergent tray or bottom of your dishwasher to break down limescale and mineral buildup and rinse stray particles from the filter weekly. 

But, Don’t Forget to Prep!

Before you chuck those dishes straight in the washer, remember that even though pre-washing dishes may be a waste of time, prepping them isn’t. 

“The best way to prepare dishes for washing is to scrape off excess food and give a light rinse,” Reed says. Large particles, like bones, hard food, and any other food that may damage your dishwasher should all be scraped off and discarded, and if you really want to, run them under a little water. “You can rinse dishes before loading, but don’t pre-wash them.”

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