PCB prepares for spring break travel with marketing strategies to attract visitors

maamoonTravel1 month ago18 Views

PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) – Visit Panama City Beach is gearing up for the spring travel season.

Officials have a set marketing plan for the first quarter of the year, focusing on Springtime since it is a time of year when many visitors are planning vacations.

The Bay County’s Tourist Development Council approved $60,000 to boost travel marketing strategies per Visit PCB’s request.

NewsChannel 7 is told this will help enhance their co-ops and support some of their partners such as Expedia, paid social work, and print magazines.

“We did move some additional dollars so that we can also support our partners here in the destination and offer a series of co-ops so that if they want to participate, they can also get additional exposure,” said Jayna Leach, Chief Marketing Officer for Visit Panama City Beach.

Those with the TDC said there are concerns about March being a slower-than-usual month. However, with their marketing plan, Visit PCB expects travel to boost and be the same as last year.

The target audience for the destination is families. Their marketing focuses on elementary school calendar dates, so people know this is a family-friendly destination.

“Historically spring travel is very important to Panama City Beach, it really is the kick-off of the season, but it also provides a strong economic impact for the destination,” said Leach.

Some upcoming events in the area include the Mardi Gras and Music Festival this weekend, the Emerald Coast Boat and Lifestyle Show on February 28th, and their UnWined wine festival at the end of March.

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